Artist Statement
Art of the Sentient
Cradled within our culture exists the space bridging an understanding of who we are, where we’ve been, awe yes!! A way of BEING. I have found THAT space. Existence locked in phase of humanity, beneath idealism yet above its pretentious idea; penetrates and fertilizing itself upon creative expression. Space within form, the substance and essence of whence we are going.
Though it be pretentious to expose Truth in form, it is but for a millimoment and then again One. For the Truth is in essence One, present and presented to you in ultimate simplicity.
My Exploration has Ceased… This art is about Discovery. Maps of a mind coming into form… still… with Truth in-tact. Clear concise and deliberate direction within intimate detail, stimulating to heighten an inner sense of knowing while preparing the mind to experience an expansive concept longing to BE…_____. (fill in the blank with whatever you perceives Truth to BE, and hold to that Truth.)
I am at peace with my Art, and I am at peace now with you, the viewer, as you gaze upon the fragments of fractal exposure. The hologram of a Metamind in its most vulnerable embryonic state, yet simultaneously holds in stead… fast within its strength of a completed promise.
View the images intently and let imagination free your mind, as we discover together Our greatest Love… the heart and soul of A new species of our manity. The best of our humanity and womanity. The best of US All.