Gateway to the 5th Dimension
An Electro Magnetic Balancing Experience
Heighten Your Inner Senses
Break Old Genetic Patterns
Discover Your Purpose in Life
Regain Your Center
Find Inner Peace
Live Your Destiny
Have you ever felt you’re on earth for a reason, A destiny that eludes you no matter what you do or how successful you are?
Presently there are more people on earth than in the history of Mankind, each with a purpose: Ascend. Science calls it evolution. Religion calls it redemption. Some call it Alchemy: the process of raising a lower form to its highest state…lead to gold. The truth is, it’s all about access to the next dimension. The 5th dimension. The Here and Now.
Do you feel yourself aging, yet have A sense of inner youth, the inkling that there is something wrong about the aging process?
The 4th dimensional cross between time and space is a powerful force. Attachments to the past/future continuum lock in mental or emotional memory and traumas reiterating uncreative experiences causing frustration and tension. This diminishes ones life force and encumbers the ability to transcend or rejuvenate.
Have you ever noticed repeating patterns in yourself, your relationships, or your life causing tension, frustration or depleting you in any way?
These patterns or shadows, as they have come to be called, are manipulating the human experience and striping away the inherent right of free choice creation. The effects of these patterns are debilitating at various degrees, from confusion, which eventually cause stress and dis-ease, to spiritual amnesia, the ultimate cause of deterioration and death; the so called fate we have come to accept as our destiny.
With GenIsis2, the magnetic field expands to allow the body to align naturally with the phenomenon happening right now to the earth, sun, solar system and the universe as a whole. In ancient times it took special chambers and a lifetime of preparation to experience the conditions that are naturally occurring on earth right NOW. Our scientists have proven the sun and earth’s magnetic fields are shifting. These shifts are causing sun flares and global changes at an accelerated rate.
The changes are not to be feared; in fact they are to be embraced. These conditions give us the opportunity to access the shadow patterns and clear our mental, emotional and physical magnetic, auric, and etheric fields. This clearing is necessary for the fundamental next step of our evolution, redemption and/or ascension of life. There’s no doubt we’ll all align with the phenomenon at hand.
The question is when and how?
The answer is: the sooner the better of course!
The fastest way to facilitate THAT is to balance the core. In Universal Law, the Law of Balance states: That forthwith present and balanced at the center core, commands its body as a whole. Balance the apex, all within the fractal exposure will follow.
What does it mean for each of us as individuals?
It means balance is A powerful state and as each of us balance our own individual core we affect the balance of the whole.
Have you ever questioned if there is more to life than your physical surroundings, and have you wanted to explore THAT reality beyond? Or shall I say within.
One big question in the Christian religion is: What did Christ mean when he said, “I am THAT I am”? Who, what, or where is THAT? THAT is the ascension beyond time and space. THAT is A vibration. THAT is Alchemical Oneness. THAT is the 5th dimension.
At present, an influx of vital information and energies from various spiritual avenues are making its way into our mainstream society. Information and energies THAT at one time were secret and sacred, are now available to those willing and aware enough to recognize and absorb the nature of its essence and essential quality. The choices are these: Humanity continues to enter what the ancients called, The Shift of the Ages, in an awkward reiteration of its history, or Humanity, through the service of each one of us, completes The Shift of the Ages, in dignity and grace.
The place is Here, the time is Now and the choice is our.
Hear the call to join… Now.
What is GenIsis2?
GenIsis2 is the Gene of Isis, square.
The power of two.
It is an activation of the clairsentient genetic code latent in US All. The clairsentient state is an innate heightened visual, audile, and kinetic sensory clarity. The activation of these heightened inner senses expose the subtle Alchemy of life. This Alchemy cannot be explained, only experienced. Once experienced it cannot be denied.
During the GenIsis2 experience, energy is empathically directed into the magnetic field. The vibration intrinsically repairs any deficiencies in the life grid or DNA structure to naturally expands the flow of life force. It is this combination of energy vibration and expansion THAT frees and elevates the mental, emotional and physical body to a natural cognitive, receptive and creative state.
How does one prepare for the experience?
THAT is one of the beauties of GenIsis2, you just show up. Showing up means you’re prepared. Nothing is a coincidence.
What can you expect from GenIsis2?
Expect the unexpected, expect a miracle!